Hey there 👋
Jethro Muller
Software Engineer and developer tooling enthusiast


This is where I host my writing, some of my recent projects, an HTML version of my CV, my contact information, and links to other places you can find me.

Jethro in a field of wild flowers in Cape Town

Who am I?

I'm a fullstack developer with a focus on backend development and developer tooling.

I have 7 years of experience building systems in Python and TypeScript. Over my career I've developed a strong passion for robust, performant code and developer tooling.

I'm always looking to learn new things and challenge myself. This website has my writing and links to my Github account where you'll find my latest projects.

Outside of work I enjoy rock climbing, SCUBA diving, and hiking the various mountains and trails around Cape Town.

Some of my projects 🧑‍💻
My latest blog posts ✍️